Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MACD gave a right signal and we are seeing pullback

I was rather busy over last two days. As I posted in my previous blog MACD gave sell signal and we are seeing pull back. I still insist we are in bear rally.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner intends to expand the Federal Reserve’s new $1 trillion Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility to buy frozen assets, according to people familiar with the proposal. The revamped Fed program will sit alongside the Treasury’s planned public-private investment funds, while the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s role will probably involve buying distressed loans, the people said.
Over the past seven months, the Fed has pumped in roughly $800 billion of new money into the financial system, and last week the Fed said another trillion dollars or more could be created in the months ahead. Fed is doing whatever it can to fight deflation.Inflation is a lot easier to deal with than deflation.
We didnt have obivious bear market bottom yet, values have not appeared yet,though much of the damage has been done. This rally may still go higher too 200 moving day average ( 9000), but still primary trend is down. I will putting some interesting charts over the weekend, so hang on....

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