Saturday, March 21, 2009

We are in final leg of this Bear

I was not able to update my blog daily due to my work commitment. I will try my best to do alteast 3 times a week.

Friday dow fell 122 points (1.65%) and S&P 500 15 ( 1.98 %), the rally which started on 9 march have multiple 9-1 days ( Volume of all NYSE stocks that go up on given day). We are in final lag of this bear market, much of the damage is already done and market is forming a base , it may pull back few 100 points on and will start powerful bull market . I am still cautious and waiting for opportunity , though investors who are willing to take some exposure can put 20% of money in stocks.

I have personally invested in Citi( bought 5,000 @ $2.1), it may pull back next week around 2 or may be lower, I feel it is longterm buying opportunity . I also like GE, BOA, Dow chemical,AXP.

Get ready with your CASH market is going to form "W" formation and we will have great opportunity of our lifetime to buy good stocks cheap.

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