Monday, October 12, 2009

Gold bull market

The dow closed up 79 to a new recovery high of 9864. Now we have a major non-confirmation with Transports closing well below their own recent peak of 4015.16.

aAgreat bull market in gold has started , it's a bull market that mirrors the demise of the dollar. Gold is priced in dollars, and as the dollar weakens, it takes an increasing amount of fiat dollars to buy an ounce of gold.
Aside from the Chinese and Indians, the world's population owns no gold. Ask any American whether he owns gold. Ask any fund manager whether he has gold in his fund. As the planet's realizes to its horror that all fiat currency is "worthless" fantasy currency, I believe that there will be a world panic to buy gold. This will set off one of the wildest and most explosive bull markets in history
I didnt have much time to update the blog over past month, moving forward I will try to update atleast once a week.